Posted by Junior Lawyer on January 11, 2011 at 19:21:58:
In Reply to: Adamle, Mike - arrested - DUI posted by Drink down, Chicago Bears... on January 11, 2011 at 18:35:48:
I found more from TMZ (go him for making TMZ!) -
"Cops say 61-year-old Adamle -- a former Chicago Bears running back -- was pulled over after blowing through a stop sign in his 2002 BMW just outside the Chicago area. When cops approached the vehicle, they suspected Adamle had been boozing.
According to the Chicago Sun Times, Adamle failed a field sobriety test and was taken to a nearby police station... where he exhibited "erratic behavior" and was subsequently taken to a hospital for a drug screen. The results from the drug test are pending.
Adamle was eventually arrested and charged with disobeying a traffic control device, DUI and failing to notify the Security State's office of an address change.
Adamle is due back in court on Valentine's Day."
Happy Valentine's Day eh? The hospital thing is weird, you usually are only required to do that if there was bodily or property injury involved. Which makes it sound like he gave his permission for the screen. He also gave permission for the sobriety test. Not lookin' good.