Posted by Smoke Mirrors on July 21, 2008 at 00:44:06:
Well let me just say Clear Channel has suprised me and made me open my eyes on a "artist" they are letting listeners be in on for his music video.
The artist is D. Jeremy and he is an "upcoming" artist who is looking for some listeners of Kiss to join in on his music video.
Ty Bentli is doing this plug for him and maybe has played his song once every few weeks. In addition to that Ty Bentli and Special K (another DJ on Kiss-FM) are really good friends if you listen and go to their events.
Anyway if you digged hard and deep into the internet you will find out that really D. Jeremy is Special K's BROTHER!
Yes I know suprising how Kiss-FM is letting one of their own DJ's bring their brother in to plug himself film a music video with him (which will probably be youtubed or on his myspace).
So my question is why would you have a Clear Channel employee's brother come in and pretend like he doesn't know who anybody is and is an undiscovered artist. Is there some legal actions that can be taken against Clear Channel for using a employee's family member to make him look like a star?
D. Jeremy's myspace is
As you can see he has very few plays (compared to other artists on myspace music).
And look at his number one friend who might that be?
Oh Special K.
And if you click on Special K's myspace look who is his number one friend.
I blame Clear Channel, Special K, and D. Jeremy for letting this go on.
I know this is trying to help him out with his "music" career but honestly I don't think it's fair to other artists out there to get the shaft while this guy gets plenty of air time and mentions.
On a side note I don't know if anybody cares for Club Kiss but it is brutal and should be eliminated immediatly along with Scott Special K.
Just the way he sounds and meeting him a few times at his appearances he has way to big of an ego and thinks he is better than everybody else. It's sad that radio is going down this road as you have a few part timers thinking they are better than everybody else and immediatly looking to take a full timer's gig.
Sadly Special K isn't very good at all as his voice is annoying and rambles through breaks and segways.
Club Kiss also doesn't need to be on at 8PM on a Saturday during the summer. People are still out espicially teenagers driving around they turn the dial on they hear records scratching which more than 90 percent turn it off.
I know poeple like that music but that is why the majority of them go to Clubs and listen to live DJ's spin.
So ship out Special K and Club Kiss along with him because both our out-dated and just plain awful.