Posted by Matt Smith on June 03, 2009 at 01:59:16:
In Reply to: Wayne Allyn Root on the radio = WIND posted by The Vanecko on June 02, 2009 at 08:53:40:
This show won't last. He's buying the time everywhere, and really doesn't know radio. I tried to clear a football handicapping show 'starring' him and Coppock. Coppock was very good, but he was miserable. He pulled the plug on the show after three weeks because HE GOT BORED.
Mr. Armani is a piece of work. I only hope WIND got paid well in advance.
: Wayne Root Launches Libertarian Radio Show
: Monday, June 1, 2009 3:59 PM
: By: Jim Meyers
: The Libertarian Party's 2008 vice presidential candidate Wayne Allyn Root has a new talk radio show he's calling the libertarian/conservative version of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.
: Limbaugh and Hannity "are very good at what they do, but there's room for someone like me," Root tells Newsmax.
: "I'm bringing a libertarian/conservative viewpoint, while the other major talk stars are strictly conservative."
: Wayne Root is a best-selling author, a regular contributor on Fox News and Fox Business Network, and a weekly commentator on "Savage Nation" with Michael Savage and "The Jerry Doyle Show."
: The Las Vegas denizen is also one of the world's most recognized professional sports prognosticators and has been called "America's Handicapper."
: His radio program, "W.A.R.: The Wayne Allyn Root Show," debuts on June 6. He scored a coup by landing spots on stations in the three largest markets, New York (WNYM), Los Angeles (KABC) and Chicago (WIND).
: Root expects his Saturday show to be on more than 20 stations within six months, and to be widely available nationwide within a year.
: His main thrust is that the Republican Party and conservatives in general have "disintegrated" and the GOP needs a "bigger tent" if the party is going to succeed in the future.
: "We need to bring libertarian/conservatives back into the tent, along with moderates and independents," Roots tells Newsmax.
: "I am the only conservative host who will hold Republican feet to the fire."
: The GOP mainstream today, Root asserts, is fiscally conservative and socially conservative, while Root and libertarians are fiscally conservative but socially tolerant, resisting "the intrusion of Big Brother."
: Root, who will seek the Libertarian Party's presidential nomination in 2012, also has a new book coming out, "The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts" (John Wiley & Sons). It's scheduled for release in July but can be pre-ordered at
: The book comes 50 years after the publication of 1964 Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater's "The Conscience of a Conservative." That's not a coincidence -- Root calls himself a "Goldwater conservative."
: "Goldwater turned out to be right about everything, but at the time no one listened," Root said.
: One of the centerpieces of Root's work is what he calls an "Income Tax Vacation" -- a one-year suspension of personal income taxes.
: "My plan rewards the people who create all the jobs and pay all the taxes in the first place," Root said. "It allows American taxpayers to simply keep more of their own money and cut out the middleman -- the government.
: "When the taxpayers keep all their money for one year, the result will be the greatest economic recovery of all time.
: "It's time to save the group that truly is too big to fail -- taxpayers, business owners, and job creators. I want to let that group keep their own money for a year without government getting involved. That will create jobs, new businesses, spur investment, and prevent foreclosures."
: Root also focuses on the need to shrink the size of government, reduce bureaucracy, and encourage entrepreneurship.
: His book uncovers a telling fact: over the past 45 years, the stock market has risen 1.7 percent while Congress is in session -- and 17.7 percent when it is not.
: "And that's true whether Democrats or Republicans are in power," Root tells Newsmax. "That's because Republicans tout conservative principles when they run, then abandon them and govern as Democrats, raising spending and taxes and increasing hiring."
: Root, who has home-schooled four children, also makes a case in his book for school vouchers, which would allow students to avoid being "doomed to attend failed schools" and force public schools to improve the quality of their education.
: Root wears one other hat: He is National Spokesman and Chief Economic & Political Strategist for Rare Coin Wholesalers, one of America's premier rare coin and gold bullion companies.
: "With Obama's spending and taxing plans, I believe we are facing economic Armageddon," Root declared.
: "Our future is filled with deficits blossoming like nuclear clouds, massive unsustainable deficits and debt, a massive wave of inflation, and the U.S. dollar dropping to record lows.
: "Only rare coins and bullion will protect assets and perform positively in this kind of economic future."