Posted by Bud on August 21, 2009 at 09:55:03:
The US Postal Service has just released a new set of commemorative stamps called "Early TV Memories." This Saturday 8/22, the Museum of Broadcast Communications will have a dedication ceremony for the new stamps. It will take place at Noon and it will be held at Keefer's Kaffe, which is right across the street from the MBC. After a look at the the 20-stamp collection featuring classic TV shows, attendees will be able to go across the street and get a "hard hat" tour of the new home of the Museum of Broadcast Communications. At the end of the tour, which should be around 2:00pm, one of the attendees will win a 120 Gig iPod, donated to the MBC for this event by the Nielsen Company. The "Early TV Memories" stamps dedication & MBC tour is open to the general public and free to all!