Posted by on October 02, 2009 at 14:41:54:
Stepping up with the mike
Such a mensch. On Thursday, close observers of a New York Times front-page photo of first lady Michelle Obama and the Olympic media hordes in Copenhagen no doubt were surprised to see Ben Bradley, a reporter at ABC-owned WLS-Channel 7, holding not only his own WLS-branded microphone, but a second mike with the Channel 5 insignia. That mike would under normal circumstances have been in the hands of Phil Rogers, a reporter at NBC-owned WMAQ-Channel 5. But Rogers got lost in action in the media mob and Bradley, like a true gentleman, grabbed Rogers' microphone to enable his competitor to get the first lady's sound bite.
Feisty Jay Levine from CBS-owned WBBM-Channel 2 also managed to fight his way to the front of the fray and onto the N.Y. Times' front page. By the way, all three reporters told us Thursday that today's vote by the International Olympic Committee will be incredibly close. So get ready for a real nail-biter.
(Lewis Lazare, Chiacgo Sun-Times)